I am currently attending the mini-Debconf being held in space generously provided by ARM's offices in Cambridge, UK. Thanks to ARM and the other sponsors for making this possible.

Yesterday I made a pass through the bug list for the Xen packages. According to the replies I have received from the BTS I looked at and acted on:

  • #797205: Tagged to reflect that I had previously forwarded upstream.
  • #753358: Update the found versions and marked as an upstream issue.
  • #798510: Investigated a bit and asked some followup questions to the submitter.
  • #799122: Asked for some clarifications from the submitter and updated the found versions. Will likely followup on this one some more today.
  • #745419: Sent a fix to upstream.
  • #784011, #770230, #776319: Various CVEs closed as fixed by 4.5.1~rc1-1
  • #795721, #784880: Various CVEs closed as fixed by 4.6.0-1 (currently in NEW).
  • #793132, #785187: Regular bugs fixed by 4.6.0-1.
  • #716496: Closed (wontfix as far as Debian is concerned)
  • #665433: Closed, apparently unreproducible crash in the Squeeze version.
  • #439156, #441539, #399073: Closed bugs against some truly ancient versions of Xen (Etch or Lenny?). These got lost when newer versions of Xen were uploaded since the packages have the Xen major.minor versions in the name. I previously opened #796370 to add a reportbug script to cause such bugs to be filed against src:xen in the future and prevent this happening. I hope to see that patch in a future version of the package.
  • #776742: Tagged as an upstream issue.
  • #491793: Marked as blocked by #481542.

Phew! Today I expect more of the same, starting with seeing where the new information in #799122 takes me.