
Rep XMMS provides access to the XMMS remote control interface from within the rep interpreter. In addition a modules is provided to give access to the XMMS commands from within the sawfish window manager.


16 April 2005

I stopped using Sawfish several years ago, and more recently I stopped using XMMS as well, so I think it is safe to say I won't be doing much more work on Rep XMMS! I don't get any mail about it, so I don't know if people are using it or if it even still works. I just leave this page here for posterity.

16 December 2001

Release version 0.4. New function 'xmms-time-shift' from William Evans.

3 July 2001

Release version 0.3. This version fixes the UI bindings for several functions.

18 April 2001

Release version 0.2. Some new functions were bound and others renamed for consistency (so you might have to redo a few keybindings, sorry!...). Also added an RPM spec file thanks to Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs.

06 April 2001

Released version 0.1. This initial version provides all the basic functionality I need. I'm open to suggestions for other useful features though. Get it here.


Once you have installed the plugin, you can (require 'xmms.remote) from within a rep session which gives you access to the module. More usefully you can put (require 'xmms.command) in ~/.sawfishrc (or ~/.sawfish/rc if you prefer) and then configure your key-bindings from within the sawfish UI.

Problems / Contact

This is the first time I've played with the internals of rep, so it is likely I've done something stoopid. If you find a problem I would appreciate hearing about it, my address is available on the contact page.


Rep XMMS is distributed under the terms of the GPL. See the file COPYING in the distribution.

Debian Packages

I've got rid of the old binaries for potato, they were a little obsolete! You can see the packages available in Debian here.

Redhat Packages

Unfortunately I don't have access to any RedHat machines. However, thanks to Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs there is a spec file in the distribution so, you should be able to do:

rpm -tb rep-xmms-<ver>.tar.gz

and get a binary package built. If not, please let me know and I'll see what I can do...


Note: Some versions of wget (e.g. 1.5.3) and curl (e.g. 7.4.1) do not support the virtual hosting setup used by my web host and so will not be able to downlaod these files. The Gnome Transfer Manager (GTM) uses wget to do its work, so that might cause problems as well. I know that wget 1.6.2 works OK, and have had reports that aria works as well.

Current Release (0.4)

Source: rep-xmms-0.4.tar.gz (57k)
Debian Potato Package: I have discontinued these packages.  

Old Releases (source only)

Source: rep-xmms-0.3.tar.gz (56k)
Source: rep-xmms-0.2.tar.gz (56k)
Source: rep-xmms-0.1.tar.gz (55k)